Here's my list of awesome remix/redux 7 stories. Enjoy and be sure to leave comments, remix stories are super scary to write (side note: my O.A. left me the most amazing comment/praise I've ever had).
I'll be covering "So You Think You Can Dance" and several other on air shows as well as reviewing "Due South" and Star Trek (yes, all of them. 'cus I AM that nuts).
More time wasting from me. A NaNo wallpaper. I made it for my comp, which I have set to 1280x720, but if you want one let me know the size you need and I'll pop it out.
Okay, so Adela means "noble". After much time wasting I can't find anything that Azk or Az could mean. So I'm making it up. Going with the A to Z idea I'm saying that Azkadllia means "all that is noble"
And yes, it's a throw away line and I could have skipped the research and spent those 30 minutes writing, but... :P